Aviation Support
D2GS is ready to support both government and commercial aviation services needs from specialized ISR support requirements to turnkey aviation operations services. Our team of management veterans has significant program management, flight operations, field technical services, CONOPS development, technical writing, and intelligence data analysis backgrounds supporting DoD.
Our SETA services team includes experienced program managers, systems engineers, integration test and evaluation engineers, Field support representatives (FSRs), Mission Planning and Post Mission Analysis, Architecture Development, and Risk Management professionals.

Administrative Support
Our team provides a broad spectrum of CONUS and OCONUS administrative services, including ID Card services, Mailroom services, Budgeting and finance services, Medical administrative services, Resilience services, and various Customer support services.
Facilities & Logistics Support
We provide Facilities support services that enhance our customers’ overall efficiency and productivity while maintaining the highest regulatory safety standards. Our broad range of services includes facility maintenance and repair, and Base Operation Services.

Training Support
We have extensive experience in delivering essential training support services in military tactics and instruction, survival skills, small-arms and crew-served weapons training, culinary training services, Vehicle operations training services, and Pilot and Maintenance Training.
Our portfolio of training support services includes conducting needs assessments, developing training materials and programs, delivering training sessions, evaluating the effectiveness of training, and providing training management and administration while ensuring the highest standards of safety and risk mitigation.